Pregnancy & Postpartum Nutrition

During pregnancy, postpartum or breastfeeding, how to properly manage your diet to meet the needs of yourself and your child?
It's legitimate to ask yourself: should I adjust my diet? What foods should I avoid? How to soothe possible nausea?
These questions are crucial so that each future mother can calmly approach the nine months of pregnancy by taking care of herself while cultivating pleasure and well-being, essential elements.
Personalized nutritional monitoring during pregnancy, postpartum and during breastfeeding is very important.
Thistailor-made support aims to prevent various health risks, such as chronic diseases, dysfunctions, neural tube defects, pre-eclampsia, as well as infections such as listeriosis, and toxoplasmosis for example.
Specialized nutritional monitoring is fundamental to manage specific pathologies such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia and functional problems encountered by the mother. (nausea and vomiting, sleep problems, heartburn, constipation, fatigue, etc.)

Pregnancy: Balanced diet
During the pregnancy diet monitoring, we will approach the following dimensions:
Your energy needs
Essential Nutrients: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins
Vitamins and minerals important for good development of the fetus and good nutritional status of the mother
Nutritional monitoring to avoid deficiencies
Typical meal plan for each trimester
Prevention of risks linked to contaminants and microbes.
In case ofGestational Diabetes, regular dietary monitoring is essential for:
Blood sugar control: A suitable eating plan can help regulate blood sugar levels and minimize fluctuations.
Weight management: to avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy, important for the health of the mother and baby.
Nutritional balance: to meet the nutritional needs of the mother and babyduring each quarter, while controlling blood sugar levels.
Food education: provide information and advice on appropriate food choices, including identifying foods that may affect blood sugar levels and finding alternatives.
Personalized tracking: Every woman reacts differently to certain foods. Dietary monitoring via an application makes it possible to adjust the food plan according to the individual responses of each woman.
By maintaining stable blood sugar levels, dietary monitoring helps prevent potential complications for mother and baby associated with gestational diabetes, such as macrosomia (an oversized baby at birth) or pre-eclampsia.
4th trimester or Postpartum
In Postpartum, the woman's body is under heavy pressure to restore depleted nutritional reserves, promote healing, and, if you choose, produce milk. A balanced diet remains crucial. If you breastfeed and want to adopt the best diet so as not to lack any nutrients for you or your baby, or you are overwhelmed by this upheaval at the family level, if you feel tired and aspire to regain strength by adopting a balanced diet,Support from a dietitian nutritionist can be useful and essential for optimal implementation of changes.
With the discovery by parents of a new organization of life, marked by changes in preparation, meal times, or shopping, I offer support for theorganization of family meals, at your own pace, relying on my common sense as a mother and always with a caring approach.
I provide you with practical tips for creating a balanced diet for everyone. The goal is to guide you every step of the way, ensuring the health and well-being of your family.